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Night Cream for Oily Skin

Size:0.75 oz


This unique European "find" is different than other oily skins creams. It does not excessively dry skin, it does help combat excess oil secretion. Used nightly, it also helps soften and beatify oily skin texture, and is an invaluable aid for problem skin.

  • Helps Normalize Oily Skin
  • Combats Blemishes

Reviva Makes Youth Affordable Again

Celebrities have already discovered the benefits of the stem cell extract derived from a special Swiss Apple. Vogue magazine reported Michele Obama using a Swiss Apple Stem Cell Serum costing over $300.00. Helen Mirren and Gwyneth Paltrow are also reported users. Throughout their 38-year history, Reviva Labs is known for bringing consumers groundbreaking technology at an affordable price. Using their experience, Reviva Labs was able to formulate an effective serum that costs just $30.00 for a one-ounce bottle. Now the Swiss Apple secret can be experienced by everyone, not just the Hollywood elite.

It was (and is today) the testing of product safety and performance in various skin care salons that has been a unique and key factor in Reviva's history of product effectiveness. Product effectiveness is not only a matter of the right ingredients but the experience in blending the proper percentages. And the knowledge of the interaction of those ingredients.The wrong percentage of one of the active ingredients could inactivate the performance of the product.