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Rested Legs

Size:60 capsule


Restless Legs Syndrome is one of the most common ailments most people have never heard about. Despite the fact that RLS affects as many of 10% of us, few patients are willing to talk about it and many sufferers are undiagnosed. Perhaps it's because RLS causes a number of unusual symptoms that sufferers aren't willing to share such as: creeping, crawling sensations; burning and tingling; pins and needles, and what has been described as a feeling that's similar to bugs crawling up and down their legs. Also, no standard diagnostic test has been developed for RLS. Rested Legs is made in the USA with Natural Ingredients:

Valerian Root

Valerian Root has been used for hundreds of years as a natural relaxant, to treat insomnia, relieve muscle pain, reduce nervous twitches, and reduce muscle spasms. Valerian Root has been shown to increase Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) production, helping a person taking it to relax, fall asleep faster and remain sleeping longer without interruption. The high-quality Valerian Root used in Rested Legs is very effective for easing symptoms of RLS.

Magnesium Aspartate

Magnesium Aspartate is the best form of Magnesium, and is an important factor in muscle relaxation and reducing muscle tension. It is crucial in allowing nerves to send messages to the brain and throughout nervous system. Magnesium can cause a calming effect to help you deal with insomnia, muscle spasms, anxiety, and nerves. Rested Legs uses a safe and very effective amount of Magnesium Aspartate in each capsule to help greatly reduce the muscle spasm and cramping symptoms of RLS.

Potassium Chloride

Potassium acts as an electrolyte that helps regulate muscle contraction. Potassium plays a vital role in nerve and muscle function, and affects muscle contractions and nerve impulses. Potassium deficiency can cause nerve problems and spasms. The potassium used in Rested Legs helps prevent and alleviate muscle cramps, which can be helpful for reducing many symptoms common to RLS.

Iron (in the form of Ferrous Sulfate)

In some cases, Restless Leg Syndrome may be related to a specific iron deficiency that can cause painful and uncomfortable muscle cramping and soreness due to a lack of oxygen to the muscles in the legs. Ferrous Sulfate is an iron component that helps carry oxygen through the blood to the muscles. A small amount of Ferrous Sulfate is used in Rested Legs to help alleviate these troublesome symptoms that may be attributed to an iron deficiency.

Folate (Folic Acid)

RLS is often related to folate deficiency, particularly the form of RLS that is associated with familial inheritance and with pregnancy. People with this type of RLS have benefited from supplemental intake of folic acid. A folic acid deficiency can contribute to symptoms of restless leg syndrome. The high quality folate used in Rested Legs is helpful to many RLS symptom sufferers.

Chamomile Powder

Chamomile Powder, extracted from the herb, Chamaemelum Nobile, has been used for centuries and is shown to relieve muscle spasms, by increasing the body's levels of glycine. Glycine is also known to act as a nerve relaxant, and is why chamomile is often used as a mild sedative. Chamomile helps to reduce muscle spams and relax the nerves. The high-quality Chamomile powder used in Rested Legs is very effective for easing symptoms of RLS.