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Rescue Remedy Pet

Size:20 ml


Bach Original Flower Remedies Rescue Remedy Pet is a combination remedy for crisis use. The full system of 38 Bach Original Flower Remedies can help with any kind of emotional imbalance. If syptoms persist, please consult a veterinarian.

For years, Rescue Remedy Pet has been recommended by veterinarians for animals to help calm pers in all kinds of stressful situations. This alcohol-free formulation is suitable for use with all animals, including dogs, cats, horses and birds.

For a calmer animal try Rescue Remedy to restore emotional balance whenever your pet is under pressure Appropriate usage times include:

  • Visits to the vet or groomer
  • Stress caused by loud noises
  • Excessive barking or hissing caused by stress
  • After a shock, a fright or mistreatment
  • Any emotional crisis


Who was Dr. Edward Bach?
Dr. Edward Bach was a British Physician, who began to see disease as an end product; a final stage; a physical manifestation of unhappiness, fear and worry. He therefore, began to look to nature to find healing flowers. Over a period of years Dr. Bach found 38 healing flowers and plants that with the right preparation became the 38 Bach Flower Remedies. These Remedies are enough to remove all negative emotional problems.

How do the Remedies work?
The Bach Flower Remedies are a safe and natural method of healing. They gently restore the balance between mind and body by casting out negative emotions, such as, fear, worry, hatred and indecision which interfere with the equilibrium of the being as a whole. The Bach Flower Remedies allow peace and happiness to return to the sufferer so that the body is free to heal itself.

How are the Bach Flower Remedies made?
The Bach Flower Remedies are made 100% naturally from spring water infused with wild flowers, either by the sun-steeped method or by boiling. The Remedies are hand produced exclusively in England. The Remedies contain 27% grape based brandy as a preservative.

How do I take the Bach FlowerRemedies?
The Bach Flower Remedies can be taken either in a 30ml/1once treatment bottle filled with spring water. From the treatment bottle take 4 drops 4 times a day until relief is obtained, or two drops in a glass of water and sip at intervals. If no water is available the Remedies can be taken undiluted either in the mouth, on the skin behind the ears or on the inside of the wrist.

To prepare a treatment bottle, fill the bottle with fresh spring water and add 2 drops of each Remedy. You can combine up to 6 or 7 Remedies in a treatment bottle. As preservative (optional) you can use brandy, apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin, 1 tsp. in the treatment bottle.

What is Rescue Remedy & Rescue Remedy Cream?
Dr. Bach created an emergency combination of Remedies which he called Rescue Remedy. It contains five different Remedies: Star of Bethlehem, Clematis, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Rock Rose. Rescue Remedy is worth carrying with you in case of emergencies or everyday stress. Rescue Remedy helps you go through difficult situations, stressful events, an exam or job interview in a calm and relaxed matter.

Rescue Remedy Cream, contains the same five Remedies as Rescue Remedy with added Crab Apple. The cream is for external applications such as bruises, diaper rash, sprains, burns, stings, scratches and other skin conditions.

On occasions when you are stressed and your mind is over-active, take a dose or two of Rescue Remedy in the evening before going to sleep. (see also White Chestnut)

Bach FlowerRemedies for pets.
Our pets also have emotions and the Bach Flower Remedies are very helpful to aid pets overcome difficult times. The Bach Flower Remedies have been very successful in calming hyperactive dogs, fearful cats, newly arrived puppies and many other pet emotions.

What happens if I take too much of the Remedies?
It is impossible to overdose with the Bach Flower Remedies, they are 100% natural and safe. You can drink a whole bottle of Remedies and not "overdose.". However, if you think that "more is better" you are wrong. The Bach Flower Remedies work best over a period of time, taken from the treatment or stock bottle at least 4 times a day.