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Colloidal Silver 20

Size:3 oz


The Heritage Store Colloidal Silver 20 is 99.99% pure colloidal silver nanoparticles with the highest particle surface area ever measured for maximum immune support. Non-toxic with no adverse side effects - take 7x per day for 70 years and still be under EPA reference dose. The high nanoparticle concentration of 75% silver particles and 25% silver ions allows for easy absorption into the body. Safe and effective for your whole family's health.

Other Ingredients: Deionized Water

Suggested Use: Adults - 1/2 tsp daily or as recommended by your health practitioner. Best taken on an empty stomach at least 15 minutes before a meal.

About The Heritage Store

The Heritage Store is dedicated to offering products which help improve the quality of life. There are several new, natural pain relief products for sore muscles and joints, as well as music selections for relaxing and relieving stress. They emphasize purity, quality and synergy above all. They adhere to the strictest manufacturing guidelines in order to provide the highest quality products. They screen the ingredients and finished products multiple times to ensure they ship only the purest, most effective products to their satisfied customer friends. Eco-friendly and cruelty-free, The Heritage Store never tests on animals.