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Palma Christi Cotton Flannel

Size:13 x 15 inches


The Heritage Store's Palma Christi Cotton Flannel is a richly textured, heavy quality fabric used for castor oil packs. Its weight and strength allow it to be reused many times. Comprehensive instructions for preparation and use of castor oil packs are included.

To Use: Boil or launder flannel to remove any impurities which may remain in fabric. Fold at least once to make a pack of appropriate size, and saturate with castor oil by pouring oil onto pack or dipping pack in preheated oil. Position pack over abdomen and cover with a piece of plastic and a heating pad. A towel may be useful to protect bedding. Turn heating pad on low or to a setting the body tolerates. Do not use heat if infection or fever is present or suspected. Allow pack to remain for an hour or more. Longer applications can be beneficial if you avoid falling asleep with heating pad turned on. After pack is removed, cleanse abdomen with a solution of baking soda in water (1 teaspoonful to a pint). Store pack in plastic bag or other container in a cool place when not in use. After 24 uses or less, pack should be cleaned or discarded. Use pack daily until results are obtained, or in a regular cycle such as two or three consecutive days a week. Other suggestions for use of castor oil packs: Wrap an ace bandage loosely around the pack and body to hold pack in place. Use the pack to administer other packs and poultices, such as grape, mullein, vinegar and salt, glyco-thymoline and Epsom salts. Meditate, pray, read inspirational material, and think positive thoughts while using your pack.

About The Heritage Store

The Heritage Store is dedicated to offering products which help improve the quality of life. There are several new, natural pain relief products for sore muscles and joints, as well as music selections for relaxing and relieving stress. They emphasize purity, quality and synergy above all. They adhere to the strictest manufacturing guidelines in order to provide the highest quality products. They screen the ingredients and finished products multiple times to ensure they ship only the purest, most effective products to their satisfied customer friends. Eco-friendly and cruelty-free, The Heritage Store never tests on animals.