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PH Booster Kit

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On the face of it, water seems like water. Water from the tap looks like water, smells like water, and tastes like water. But when you look closely, you'll see that water quality varies tremendously. Consider just one factor: pH. According to the official pH scale, water has a pH of 7.0. But in real life, that's not always the case. Water only has a pH of 7.0 when the hydrogen (H+) and hydroxide (OH-) ions are present in equal quantities. If there are more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions, the water is alkaline. If there are more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions, the water is acidic. Your tap water may or may not have a pH of 7.0. In fact, a 2002 annual water quality report found that the pH of New York City tap water varied anywhere from 6.2-8.2. Sounds like the difference between two points, doesn't it? Until you realize that pH doesn't work like regular numbers do, where 6.2 is "one point less" than 7.2. It works logarithmically, just like the Richter scale for earthquakes. That means for each point your water drops away from the neutral point of 7.0, it's actually experiencing a 10-fold decrease in pH! In other words, water with a pH of 6.2 is 100 times more acidic than water with a pH of 8.2. One hundred times! Drinking acid water contributes to an acidic system. And that can cause low energy, fatigue, excess weight, poor digestion, aches and pains, and even more serious disorders. Plus, an acidic environment makes the perfect breeding ground for microforms, which can further compromise your health.

The most important thing you can do for your water.

Although we highly recommend it, we know it's not easy for everyone to eat an alkalizing diet (one that contains twice as many alkalizing foods, like fruits and vegetables, as acidic foods, such as proteins, grains, fats, and sugar). Luckily, there's an alternative. One of the easiest and most effective ways to boost your pH is to drink alkalizing water. Not just neutral water, with a pH of 7.0. Alkalizing water, with a pH of 9.5. That's 500 times more alkaline than water with a pH of 7.0, so it helps counteract all those harmful acids your diet and your system are constantly producing. Just one serving of pHion Booster will increase the alkalinity of your water to the ideal pH of 9.5, so even if your diet's not perfect, at least your water will be!

Great water has the following four key characteristics:

  1. It's oxygenated: By nature, all water has oxygen in it. But because ionized, alkaline water has more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions, it's higher in oxygen than water with a pH of 7.0 or below. That's important, because we humans thrive on oxygen. This vital element is essential for converting food into energy, which fuels all human activity. Oxygen is so important to your brain that for every minute its supply is cut off (think stroke), you lose 1.9 million neurons and 14 billion synapses!
  2. It's high in electrically charged ionic minerals: High quality water also has a healthy dose of minerals. Minerals are essential for all sorts of biological functions. The mineral magnesium, for example, participates in over 325 enzyme reactions in the body. But the kind of minerals you want is ionic minerals - in other words, minerals that have an electrical charge. Why? Because your body is electric. Every nerve impulse that is passed from axon to dendrite, all the way down the length of a nerve, involves electrical transmission. So in addition to upping your mineral intake, drinking water that is ionized, or electrically charged, improves your cells' ability to conduct electrochemical signals. Ionic minerals are also more bioavailable to your body. When you flood your body with ionized, or electrically charged minerals, they can be readily absorbed through your permeable intestinal membranes.
  3. It's highly structured: At the molecular level, all water has the same basic structure: two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. However, water molecules can cluster together in different ways. And how they cluster affects how hydrating the water is. Most water groups together in clusters of ten or more molecules. However, when water is high in ionic minerals, the clusters are smaller, characterized by just six molecules. Because ionized water has a reduced cluster size, it can flow more easily in and out of cell membranes. This type of highly structured water is actually more hydrating, because it can penetrate and saturate the cells quicker. For the same reason, it is also better at nutrient absorption and waste removal. In fact, highly structured water supports all biological processes.
  4. It's pure: Truly great water is free of impurities. And unfortunately, the municipal water supply - and even some bottled water - is full of impurities, such as heavy metals, arsenic, perchlorate (a component of rocket fuel and fireworks), pesticides, radon, chlorine, and even pharmaceuticals (which people unthinkingly flush down the toilet). You want to drink water that has not a trace of these toxins. Even Reverse Osmosis water filters can't remove many of these toxins.

Proper hydration is the most crucial factor in establishing and maintaining proper pH. Why? Three reasons.

  • #1: When your body is dehydrated, enzymes - catalysts for nearly all biological processes in the body - lose their ability to function. And when enzymes slow down, the whole body slows down, and acid products accumulate.
  • #2: Intracellular fluids are responsible for transporting acid waste from the cell to the capillaries and from the capillaries to an excretory organ. But if the body is dehydrated, these intracellular fluids become thicker and don't flow as well. (Think of a soup that has cooked down so much it becomes sludge.) So instead of easily flowing out of the cell for disposal, the acid products stagnate and acidify the tissues.
  • #3: How does the body ultimately excrete acids? Through the urine and the sweat. What are urine and sweat made of? Water. Urine is 95 percent water. Sweat is 99. So if the body is dehydrated, it will hold onto as much water - and therefore acids - as it can by reducing the amount of urine and sweat it excretes.

You've probably heard that you need to drink 8 glasses of water, which is just shy of 2 liters, a day. Some "experts" are even saying you don't need that much. But based on Dr. Christopher Vasey's experience with hundreds of patients, many of whom are chronically dehydrated, he recommends drinking 2.5-3 liters of water daily. Sound like a lot? Consider this: your body loses 2.5 liters of water every day just through normal bodily functions! So you can see how important it is that you're drinking at least that much water a day.

Make that water alkaline, ionized, oxygenated, and pure, and you'll be well on your way down the road to better health.

About pHion Balance

pHion believes that your body was created to be healthy, energetic, vibrant and resilient. It has an awesome ability to heal itself, when given the proper nutrients and internal environment to do so. pHion also believes that wellness is your birthright, and are dedicated to the purpose of helping you achieve a higher quality of life and health. pHion knows getting healthier can often be complicated work that is why they aim to provide useful information and outstanding products to help you make healthier choices. pHion loves to see people reap the enormous benefits of a pH Balanced lifestyle. pHion's extensive research & development efforts, which are tightly coupled with their "Good Manufacturing Practices", have created a wide range of products geared towards creating pH balance.

Remember how good you felt as a child? How much energy you had? pHion's promise is to create products that allow for you to regain that incredible sense of health and vitality... and pHion knows that it all begins with getting your body back in balance, pH Balance! To ensure that pHion can create such products they promise to you that they will:

  • Remain committed to the "greening" of the body by developing nutritional products that are safe and effective.
  • Back all products with research, studies and validation and use only the highest quality ingredients in their products.
  • Provide full disclosure on all ingredients - hide nothing.

  • Produce all products under strict GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliance... Sell all their products at a price that's always fair.

With that in mind, pHion invites you to discover and experience the magic of a pH Balanced body right alongside them.