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Hydrating Iris Moisture Cream

Size:1 oz


Weleda Iris Hydrating Facial Lotion is a gentle lotion with Biodynamic iris root that helps to restore and rebalance natural hydration levels in your normal to combination skin. With jojoba seed oil and witch hazel, it supports your skin's naturl protection against drying element. With perfect moisture balance, skin feels smooth to the touch.

  • Regulates natural moisture balance
  • Smoothes and softens skin.
  • Protects against dehydrating environmental elements.
  • Dermatologically tested

Oily to combination skin gets moisture regulated into a healthy balance with this hydrating Iris Hydrating Facial Lotion. This all natural face cream is a light, fast-absorbing cream that regulates your natural moisture balance and provides long-lasting protection against drying out.

Help your skin be naturally beautiful with our all natural face cream. Biodynamic iris root extract in Weleda Iris Hydrating Facial Lotion maintains your skin's natural moisture balance, leaving your skin feeling supple and smooth. Balanced skin is further enhanced by organic jojoba seed oil in this all natural face cream, a hydrating emollient that nourishes and softens your skin. Soothing Biodynamic and organic calendula flower extract in Weleda Iris Hydrating Facial Lotion soothes skin and provides a protective antiseptic barrier. Your skin feels silky smooth and balanced, with perfectly regulated moisture that lasts all day.

Iris (Iris Germanica)

The resilient Iris plant is made up of a strong root system and stately flowers, generally of a violet hue. This plant possesses the unique ability to adapt to extreme environmental conditions, surviving in both desert and wetland areas. It is made up of special layers that protect it from drying, and each leaf has its own microclimate. The extract from the root, or rhizome, of the Iris stimulates the active layers of the skin and brings moisture and balance to the outer epidermal layers. It helps the skin look and feel healthy, soft and supple.

Just as the beautiful iris stores moisture in its roots, so Iris Hydrating Facial Care helps your skin keep its own natural moisture. Blended with Biodynamic iris root and other hydrating organic ingredients, this pure, natural formula protects your skin from moisture loss while promoting your skin's ability to regulate and preserve its best moisture levels. This long-lasting hydration also protects your skin from dehydrating environmental elements so it keeps the fresh radiance of beautifully moisturized skin.

About Weleda

Weleda sees beauty everywhere. It's in the soil that is tilled, the flowers that are grown, the built partnerships that honor the human spirit and respect the natural world. But their mission isn't just to recognize beauty. Their mission is to actively cultivate beauty. They do it with Biodynamic farming methods. They do it by developing fair trade partnerships for a more positive impact on the world. They do it by empowering the individual to make positive change in the world.

And of course they do it with meaningful products that work with a body's own natural vitality and ability to nurture and heal. Weleda strongly believes in supporting health and beauty, and that of every individual. By doing so, Weleda hopes all will be empowered to cultivate beauty in the world for generations to come.

Lofty goals? Absolutely.