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Digestive Advantage Lactose Defense Formula

Size:32 capsule


Schiff Digestive Advantage Lactose Defense Formula does not have to be taken with every meal because it combines lactase enzyme with probiotics to help break down lactose hours after reaching the digestive tract. Digestive Advantage Lactose Defense Formula helps prevent the Gas, Bloating and Occasional Diarrhea that many people with lactose intolerance experience after eating foods containing dairy.

"The Digestive Advantage"

Digestive Advantage Lactose Defense Formula contains a patented probiotic, BC30 that can help support digestive function. BC30 are specially isolated cultures that are protected by a hardened layer of organic material that enables their survival through your acidic stomach environment and successfully arrive to your intestines - where they can have the most benefit.

No Need to Take With Every Meal! Enjoy dairy again without a pill at every meal with Digestive Advantage Lactose Defense Formula.

Your Digestive Health

Your digestive system is home to over 400 types of bacteria, some helpful, some not-so-helpful. When the not-so-helpful bacteria outnumber the helpful ones, a person can oftentimes experience digestive discomfort such as gas and bloating. That's why maintaining a balance of these not-so-helpful vs. helpful intestinal bacteria is a key factor to maintaining your digestive health.

By harnessing the power of probiotics in easy-to-take dietary supplements, Digestive Advantage offers you an entirely new way to defend against digestive discomforts by maintaining a balance between the not-so-helpful and helpful bacteria in your intestinal tract.

The Digestive System - Your Gateway to Improved Health

Your digestive system is an incredibly complex system that powers your entire body. In fact, it contains 70% of your immune system and it is the place where nutrients, vitamins and minerals are absorbed. According to the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), the digestive system supports the body by performing two essential functions: (1) absorption of nutrients and (2) the elimination of harmful bacteria. In order to keep these functions running smoothly your digestive needs a proper balance of good vs. bad bacteria.

Supplementing your diet with the Digestive Advantage brand product that's right for you can help maintain this intestinal bacterial balance. Digestive Advantage brand products are dietary supplements that contain the probiotic bacteria BC30, which can help you defend against a variety of occasional digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, and occasional diarrhea1. Several peer-reviewed, published clinical trials support the use of BC30 and several more are in progress.