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Memory Hrx BCC 432 Memory Complex

Size:60 capsule


Herbal Destination Memory Hrx Bcc 432 Memory Complex is based on ancient time tested formulas. It supports cognitive function, brain functions and improves attention span. It is Non-GMO and is made from ingredients that were not genetically engineered.

  • Supports cognitive function; Improves attention Span.
  • Boosts brain power and mental alertness.
  • Has anti aging properties.
  • Helps brain to recall facts.

Herbal Destination Memory Hrx Bcc 432 Memory Complex is a Vegan Certified memory supplement. It is a combination of 5 effective herbal extracts of Bacopa monnieri, Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica), Aloe weed (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Ashwagandha and Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra); and offer an efficient delivery of benefits.

Bacopa monnieri:

Bacopa has a number of uses in the herbal world. In India, this plant has also been used traditionally to consecrate newborn babies in the belief that it will open the gateway of intelligence.

Centella asiatica:

Researchers stated that in clinical trials, this has been found to improve the power of concentration. It acts as an antioxidant also, hence it is also useful to prevent free radical damage to the body.

Convolvulus pluricaulis:

It is a perennial herb also known as "Aloe-weed" in English. From ancient times, it is used to help improve mental power and thus to improve memory. It is also used to help with anxiety, irritation and stress related conditions. It is also useful as a brain tonic and for the improvement of memory.


Ashwagandha is a plant in the Solanaceae or nightshade family. It is claimed to possess aphrodisiac and rejuvenative properties.

Glycyrrhiza glabra:

Various scientific studies show that this herb acts as a memory enhancer and mental rejuvenator. The root and rhizome of this herb is useful as an efficient brain tonic. It is supposed to help increase blood circulation and help with brain health.

About Herbal Destination

Herbal Destination makes products that meet the everyday needs of people in the alternate remedies world! Herbal Destination manufactures its products at state of the art facilities in India. The partner companies in India have been providing Ayurvedic natural herbal solutions for decades. The partner companies have been in the forefront of Research & Development and production of new products all the time. Herbal products manufacturing involves complex and repetitive steps in particular category of products. Hence, systems are of great value to ensure that there are no variations batch after batch and this harmony is perfectly achieved at their locations.