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Whole Anutra Grain

Size:8.5 oz


What is Anutra

Anutra is the World's Healthiest Whole Food that is approved by the FDA and USDA as a regular food without limits. Anutra is a new grain cultivar derived from the ancient Salvia genus family. ANUTRA is the highest and safest natural source of Omega-3's, antioxidants, fiber, complete protein, and other important phyto-nutrients.

How Anutra got its name

A Cultivar is a cultivated variety of a plant that has been deliberately selected for it's desirable characteristics. There are many different varieties of Salvia Hispanica. Some are very nutritious and some are not. Salvia Hispanica over the years has been used as a food source, medicine, oil, fiber and recently even as a "Chia Pet".

Cultivation began thousands of years ago (3500 BC) but the crop was almost extinct due to religious and other interferences. A small group of Aztecs from Mexico kept it alive over the years for the same original purposes. In recent years a variety called Salvia hispanica L has caught the attention of several leading food scientists and food product developers and is now on it's way to becoming a major force in the health and nutrition world.

Angelo S. Morini, a leading food and nutrition expert, developed a new "cultivar" of Salvia hispanica L. He took the great attributes of Salvia hispanica L and maximized the nutrition of the plant by incorporating only Non GMO old fashioned methods of selection. After this selection and development process was complete a new grain cultivar was born. All new cultivars must have a name, and that's how The World's Healthiest Whole Food with the highest and safest natural source of Omega-3's, Antioxidants, Fiber, Complete Protein, and other important Phyto-nutrients got it's Anutra Grain name.

A new you in 90 days!

Did you know that every 90 days your body regenerates nearly all its cells (7 to 10 trillion). When you regenerate healthier, stronger, smoother, more elastic cells, you slow the normal aging process. Be the best you can be. See how Anutra-sizing can change your life forever!

97% of Americans don't get enough Omega-3s.

A recent Harvard study attributes 96,000 U.S. deaths every year to Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency making it the 6th leading cause of mortality in the U.S. More and more studies are confirming that a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids is essential for good health.