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No-Shift-Lag is the world's first shift lag remedy for night shift workers. Experts estimate that nearly 20% of the working population in developed countries work night shifts.

Symptoms of shift lag

Increased Irritability and Being Moody.

Its noted especially by partners that shift workers become more irritable after working night shifts. Our survey found that relationship break up was higher in shift workers and major causes cited were irritability or being "cranky" and days of bad moods.

Overly Emotional.

"Snapping or losing it" is another symptom reported by shift workers, and this was frequently followed by tears. Trying to comfort shift workers under stress only added to the problem and then created a problem for management. How do you manage an overly emotional worker who wants to be left alone?

Too Sensitive and Defensive.

Night shift workers increased level of stress made them too sensitive and defensive. For example the slightest criticism would be perceived as esteem bashing and led to disputes over small details. Or as one manager put it "getting all worked up over nothing."

Contrary behaviour.

Some workers were so stressed with night shift work that they became easily upset and were prone to seeing problems that were not really there. When asked to do certain tasks would frequently do something different and then argue that they were right and that management had a problem! These workers required a lot of management time in calming them down and trying to point out their contrary behaviour.


Forgetting to clock in or out and forgetting to do quality checks are two examples we found in our survey. Also many small tasks that are done automatically during the day were forgotten at night and the impact of all the small tasks not done at night caused major problems.


Being worn out and tired for days after night shifts, generally accompanied by a lack of concentration and motivation, especially for any activity that requires effort or skill. But even simple daily activities can become harder.

Loss of Energy and Sex Drive.

Shift workers in our survey reported a lack of energy for doing all normal activities they used to do before working night shifts. These included activities like; gardening, home maintenance and recreational sports. Also their sex drive dropped, but since it does for most of us as we get older this may or may not be attributable to shift work.

Broken Sleep after shifts.

Working during the hours of midnight to five am disrupts your circadian rhythms (normal wake and sleep cycle) and this can cause you to wake during your next sleep and then want to fall asleep during the next shift. Your inbuilt circadian rhythms have been disturbed, and it can take several days for the body to readjust. Broken sleep stops the shift worker getting quality sleep which delays any recovery from shift lag.


Increased constipation and fluid retention was reported by night shift workers in our survey. Other studies into shift work have reported similar findings.

Stomach problems.

An increase in stomach problems was reported by night shift workers. But some of the problems were attributed to night shift workers not eating properly. This suggests that this is one area that management of night shift workers can be improved. Insisting on adequate food for workers during night shifts. Mind you if a night shift worker has an upset stomach they may not be keen on eating. Then of course they are being contrary!

Dehydration, Dry Mouths and Increases in Colds and Flu's.

This can cause headaches, dry skin and nasal irritation, and make you more susceptible to any colds, coughs, sore throats and flu that are floating around in the work place. Our survey of night shift workers reported a greater number of sick days being taken with night shift workers suffering from colds, coughs, sore throats and flu more than those workers who didn't work night shifts.

Techniques for reducing shift lag:

Quality Sleep after the shift

Although this is obvious some shift workers don't understand that there are simple things that can be done to encourage quality sleep.

  • Quietness, no noisy children, lawn mowers or air conditioners etc.
  • Maybe sound proofing the bedroom.
  • Darkness, using special light proof curtains.
  • Temperature control, neither too hot or too cold.
  • Humidity control, so that it is comfortable for sleeping.
  • A comfortable bed, suitable for the shift worker.
  • Sleeping aids like blindfolds and ear plugs.
  • Going to bed with an empty bladder, visit the washroom before bed.

Extra Exercise

Studies have shown that extra exercise does help shift lag. But it is hard to get excited about doing more exercise when you feel "stuffed" from working shifts.

Support from Family and Friends

With irritability one of the leading characteristics of shift workers, an understanding partner and family does help. Especially if they are able to manage this difficult behaviour. Many people just react without thinking and this can inflame an already difficult situation. Some consultants offer training for family and partners on how to handle "stressed out" shift workers.

Drinking fluids

Due to the slowing down of the body functions at night coupled with the usually lower temperatures, fluid intake is usually reduced by shift workers, when working night shifts. This can cause mild dehydration. Therefore an adequate intake of fluids during night can stop dehydration. But too much fluid intake can cause an increased desire to urinate while sleeping after the sleep. Trial and error is the best method to find the right balance required.

A good Shift Work Schedule

There are many consultants available to advise on the actual shift work schedule. Studies have shown this is an important area and changes to a shift work schedule (if it is already a bad one) can make a dramatic improvement to the health of shift workers.


This is a safe and effective remedy for countering shift lag, in the form of easy-to-take tablets. Its effectiveness has been proved in a scientific trial of night shift workers and confirmed by other night shift workers surveyed in a night work operation. Being a homeopathic preparation using extremely low dosages, No-Shift-Lag has no side effects and is compatible with other medications. It has no connection with the controversial hormone melatonin. No-Shift-Lag is available in North America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.


This is a controversial and complex treatment for shift lag. One study using Melatonin for jet lag showed it made jet lag worse! This means the dosage is important and if not taken correctly could make the shift lag worse instead of better. The fact that it has been taken off the open market in Europe, Canada and Australia indicates concerns about its side affects. Recent studies have also shown that melatonin, "fools" the body and does not actually reset the disrupted circadian rhythms as originally thought. A full description of melatonin effects is available from this link. Melatonin information.

Sleeping Pills

Some shift workers use sleeping pills to try to alleviate shift lag. They do have a down side. The shift worker can become addicted to them. Its true they increase the amount of sleep but they don't fix the problem of shift lag or increase the alertness of workers during the next shift. In fact some have a "hung over" effect making the shift worker drowsy during the next shift.

Bright Light Therapy

Bright light boxes which deliver strong light are used by some to reset their time clock and once we now more about light therapy it may be used in night work situations. Some shift workers find when they are finishing a series of night shifts and are about to go back day shifts spending as much time outside in bright sunshine helps. They find combining being outside with exercise most effective.