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Aquon Matrix Hyper

Size:30 packet


Aquon Matrix Hyper is the first hexagonally structured seawater and micro-filtered in cool temperatures.

Water is collected in very specific phytoplankton, rich areas of the ocean. The choice of these areas ensures a constant organic and mineral composition, and the purity of its waters ensure the bioavailability of all mineral elements in the seawater. Water is collected at 98 ft (30-meter) depth, which is known as solar penetration area, to ensure the best quality of seawater.


Because of its formula, Aquon Matrix Hyper, brings to our body all ions which are necessary for a proper nutrition and cellular communication.


  • Calcium -4.10 mg
  • Magnesium - 12.64 mg
  • Potassium - 3.93 mg
  • Sodium - 108.73 mg
  • Bicarbonates - 1.31 mg
  • Chloride - 183.70 mg
  • Sulfates - 25.17 mg

Useful for mineral deficiencies, since all those components appear in similar proportions to our blood plasma.

Its function is to mineralize. Using Aquon Matrix Hyper is appropriate in all the states when experiencing tiredness, fatigue, hypotension, chronic fatigue, weakness, stress, depression, physical and mental maintenance, for athletes: In every sport there is a very significant loss of electrolytes and it must be replenished to prevent cramps, muscle aches and dehydration. Aquon Matrix Hyper contains all bioavailable minerals.

Besides water, the hexagonal structure allows better cellular uptake and greater removal toxins. It is advisable to take 1 stick Aquon Matrix Iso, every day, and for athletes, take 2 sticks Aquon Matrix Hyper half an hour before workout and 2 sticks upon completion. Recovery periods are shortened and sweat smells less and for anyone performing work where important minerals losses occur through sweating, as recovery of electrolytes is immediate.

For times of maximum intellectual effort, exam periods, nervousness, Aquon Matrix Hyper helps improve attention span and performance.