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Thisilyn Digestive Cleanse

Size:90 capsule


Why cleanse the bowel? Regular bowel movements not only eliminate dietary waste, but also carry away toxins and impurities filtered by the liver. Periodic use of Thisilyn® Digestive Cleanse thoroughly sweeps, detoxifies and rejuvenates the intestines by increasing the frequency and effectiveness of bowel elimination. As a result, you feel healthy, refreshed and energized.

How the formula works:

Thisilyn Digestive Cleanse promtes liver bile production. Bile carries toxins to the intestine, where they are eliminated through the bowels.

Bowel elimination. Thisilyn Digestive Cleanse stimulates muscles in the intestine to encourage healthy bowel elimination and help sweep toxins from the body.

Soothing action. Thisilyn Digestive Cleanse also contains a unique blend of peppermint, ginger, fennel and marshmallow to comfort the digestive tract during the cleansing process.

Superior absorption. While most milk thistle extract clump in the digestive tract and are poorly absorbed, Thisilyn dissolves easily—yielding 2x more of its key constituents for the body to absorb and utilize in the liver.